Gynecological Surgery istanbul
Gynaecological Surgery
If surgery is required, patients can rest assured they are
in the safest of hands. Dr Nevra has over 20 years of
experience in all areas of gynaecological surgery, including
the removal of fibroids, treatment of endometriosis,
myomectomy, hysterectomy, ovarian cyst removal, and the
dissection of adhesions.
Operations are performed at Private Hospital, a large
hospital in İstanbul renowned for its excellence and
passionate care.
Minor surgeries
The Mitera Clinic is equipped with a minor surgery room
which allows you to have minor surgery in-house with minimal
of fuss under local anaesthsia. Examples of minor operations
that can be performed are:
Mini curettage of the uterus, Loop excision of the cervix
(LLETZ), Diathermy to genital warts, Incision/marcupialisation
of bartholin’s cyst and abcess, Biopsy of the vulva, Hymen
repair, Removal of moles, Removal of sebaceous cyst,
Diathermy to the cervix..